SOLD-Blue Code Horizongouache on paper SOLD
SOLD--A Mysterymixed media on paper Sold
SOLD--Soul of Naturecalligraphy: gouache SOLD
SOLD-Beauty of the Earthgouache on paper Sold
Wild Writegouache on paper
SOLD--Into the Voidsumi and gold leaf on paper
Ghost Ranchpastel and walnut ink, on paper
SOLD-Ghost Ranch Collagemixed media, collage on paper Sold
SOLD-Flightacrylic and gouache SOLD
SOLD-Mystery Treeacrylic on paper Sold
SOLD--love shakes my heartgouache, gold on calfskin vellum wrapped around board Sold
SOLD-Tree Spiritink and gold on calfskin vellum wrapped around board SOLD
Peacegouache and colored pencil on paper
SOLD-Poppiesmixed media on paper SOLD
SOLD-some kind of dreamacrylic ink on paper Sold
spiral cardgouache and watercolor on paper Sold
Uncommon Angelgouache on paper
SOLD--Womanuscript Series: Birdmixed media on canvas SOLD
SOLD-Womanuscript Series: Birthacrylic on raw canvas SOLD
Womanuscript Series: Deep Down TorrentGold leaf, gouache on Calf-skin Vellum
SOLD--Womanuscript Series: Inner StateAcrylic, graphite, multi-media on canvas SOLD
SOLD-Womanuscript Series: ERAmixed media on raw canvas SOLD
SOLD-Womanuscript Series: Sacred JourneyAcrylic, Gold, Collage, gouache on canvas SOLD
Womanuscript Series: Soul Journeymixed media collage on canvas
Texas Iced Teagouache on paper Sold
Gorelston Psalter Initialcopy of Illuminated Initial, Gorelston Psalter, ink, Gold leaf on calfskin vellum