Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category



It’s Not Always Pretty: Wabi Sabi, Shadows and Creative empowerment

If the intention in our art is authenticity, then nothing gets spared or glossed over. Shadows are engaged and reckoned with as much as sunshine. What is ugly or …


Slippery Fish

What folly it is to try to capture something that feels like a slippery fish: you’ve got it—and then it flies off the line or out of your hand, flipping and gyrating back into the water: splash!  You can describe




The Long Pause


I miss the quiet, empty spaces,

ears re-tuned to birdsong;

making bread and growing things;

sitting on front porches waving to passersby,

the neighbors we never met before;

idle walks and talks and noticing

the …


Meeting One’s End

Daily wonderings

As i walk through my neighborhood each morning, I am struck by a random thought.  However absurd it seems, I follow the thread and a story emerges in the form of a poem. Today it was “meeting one’s


Artist’s Way of the Camino

What hero’s journey is this, undertaken in solitude, the portal a canvas or blank page?

The artist’s life is largely interior, the company we keep living “rent free” in our heads. Any demons battled take form as doubt, fear, self- …