Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

I Am Connected Therefore I AM

A restless wind stirs up the trees outside my studio. The night is thick with humid air, a prelude to the coming thunderstorm. My mood is neither thick, moody nor dark, but rather light and cavalier. I am drunk with …


Sun and Snow

Snow on tulips, hail pelting on me in my friends’ Lake Oswego Garden on Sunday. Is this Ice Age II, or what?

A weekend in Portland, Oregon restored my spirits. As always, facilitating a group of talented and motivated artists …


Yes We Can

I am tired of being an armchair liberal, paralyzed by anger and disappointment, spewing the hackneyed vitriol so typical of frustrated democrats. Perhaps it is middle age, the keen awareness that my time on this planet is limited. Whatever the …


Am I Blue?

I saw a cluster of bluebonnets in a yard on (yes) Bluebonnet Street today. I am convinced that my upbeat mood is in part the result of being surprised by the vivid shock of blue of these resilient and remarkable …


In Between Time

I blink and it is next year.
My body, mind and spirit have been out to lunch these past few months, and I have flitted away many an hour looking at People magazine, obsessing about what I am not doing, …